Schleich Test Technologies

Test equipment for electrical safety and function.

How do you find the right tester?

The number of testers available on the market is large and the features offered are sometimes necessary and sometimes not.
Therefore SCHLEICH has one of the 
most comprehensive instrument portfolios – suitable for your task.

If you only want to carry out tests with one test method on your test object, you are well advised to use one of our single test devices. Here, for example, you have the most compact high-voltage tester in the world with 6 KV AC. It is only “½ 19” wide! Thus it fits perfectly to every workplace.

If the test object also requires a more comprehensive safety and/or function check, we recommend our combination testers/multifunction testers.
This allows various test methods such as protective conductor, insulation, high voltage and leakage current testing to be conveniently combined in one test device. The test method switchover integrated in the test device ensures that no test leads have to be reconnected at the test object during the test.
In addition, the combination between the safety tests and extensive functional tests is also very often a suitable option.
For functional testing, the test device additionally supplies the test object with electrical operating voltage in order to also check the electrical operating characteristics.

Due to the intuitive and comfortable operation of our test devices, each test is fast, precise and cost-saving.

The SCHLEICH product range

  • testers with one test method
  • combination tester / multifunction tester
  • testing machines / testing systems with small to complex relais matrix
  • complete test workstations
  • testing machines
  • production lines with transfer systems
  • EOL test benches
  • large-scale systems
  • test probes
  • test adapters
  • single / dual test covers, test cabins, test facilities …
  • modular connection devices
  • interfaces for automation
  • interfaces to ERP systems
  • interfaces to MES systems
  • networking of test equipment
  • statistical analysis tools
  • and much more …

When selecting your testing device, also pay attention to the “soft skills” of the provider. We offer all necessary accessories and guide you during the entire service life of your test equipment:

  • professional advice with know-how
  • careful initial commissioning
  • regular certified calibration
  • aftersales by our service team
  • service on the phone, via remote maintenance or on site training

SCHLEICH - the world's only provider of protective conductor test devices that has already been awarded the "TOP100 Innovator" seal of quality four times.

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